A few weekends ago I took off for a girls weekend with a few of my mom-friends. There’s nothing like a weekend away from your family where you can spend all your time…complaining about your family, right? Ha! Seriously though, when we weren’t talking about our kids or our husbands, we were sipping on wine and cocktails, playing board games and card games, snacking on junk food, and laughing the hours away! It was the best. A much-needed break for all of us tired, worn out mamas.
Category: Motherhood Humor
5 Thoughts I Had While Spending 2 Hours at Chick-fil-A
By sunshineandholly on September 8, 2017I love Chick-fil-A. They have some tasty, tasty food, decent coffee, and great customer service. And those milkshakes? Oh yeah!! But best of all, they have an indoor, climate controlled play area where my wild children can burn some energy while I sit and take a much needed mom-break.
But there’s such a thing as too much of a good thing. On Tuesday, we spent 2 hours at Chick-fil-A. I took the kids to play and have dinner since Dada was traveling for work. And I have to say, that 2 hours is too long to spend at any restaurant with kids, even Chick-fil-A.
5 Thoughts I Had While Spending 2 Hours at Chick-fil-A:
1. Chick-fil-A is the only place where it’s socially acceptable to let a bunch of young children run around a restaurant barefoot. And go to the bathroom barefoot. #gross
2. When another parent walks into the tiny, enclosed play area that smells of toddler sweat, bare feet, and dirty diapers, and has at least 5 ice-cream-high-induced monkeys…er…kids running around, jumping, and screaming, I want to say to them, “Welcome to Hell.”
3. Forget frosted coffee and lemonade. What we really need up in here is some frosty alcoholic beverages.
Me: “Can I get a margarita?”
Chick-fil-a employee: “Of course! My pleasure!”
4. Is that my kid licking the slide? OMG she is!!! “Stop!!! Don’t lick the slide!!” Gag me.
5. When I get to the point in my life where I don’t have to stop, mid-bite, into my spicy chicken sandwich to hop up and go wipe someone else’s butt…that will be a good day.
So I learned my lesson. 2 hours is too much at Chick-fil-A. Unless they really do start serving margaritas…
Do you think that the cows would tell us to eat more chicken AND drink more tequila? Because I’d be all about that.
Do you love Chick-fil-A?
5 Lazy Mom Tips
By sunshineandholly on July 14, 2017This post may contain affiliate links. Purchasing through them helps support this website.
I’m all about making things easier in life. If there’s a way to get something done quickly and efficiently, I will always choose that way. I’m not a perfectionist. I’m a realist. I think about each task and decide whether or not I need to spend time doing it “perfectly,” or will “adequately” suffice. My husband, on the other hand, is a perfectionist. He drives me nuts taking 10 years to get something done. (Dude – it’s a dishwasher. Not a game of Tetris. Just load it up!)
That being said, I’ve figured out a lot of short cuts for mom-life. I love semi-homemade recipes, and craft projects that start out with store bought items. As far as housework goes – if you’ve ever been over to my home, you know I’m definitely not a perfectionist in that area of life! Pretty sure I only make my bed when I need to fold laundry on top of it. And my appearance? I might brush my teeth and put on makeup, but I’ll skip on drying my hair. Messy mermaid hair is totally in right now, right?!
So if you’re a mom with the same mentality about life as me – that perfect and pretty is wonderful, but just not something you can live up to, check out my top 5 lazy mom tips below!
5 Tips to Make Playing with Your Kids More Enjoyable
By sunshineandholly on June 26, 2017I can’t be the only one out there who doesn’t really enjoy playing with their kids, right?
Am I alone in this?
Let me back up a minute before the haters start hatin’.
I love my children. They are the sunshine in my life. I love exploring new places with them, playing outside, taking walks, traveling, going on adventures, doing puzzles, cooking together, doing crafts together, and watching movies with them.
But sitting on the floor in the playroom all afternoon?
No thank you. Not my idea of a good time.
I can’t be the only one who feels this way! In fact, I think playing with our kids for hours is a relatively new thing in our society. I’m sure Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Ma was way too busy milking the cows, washing laundry by hand, and baking bread from scratch to sit down and play with Laura and her sisters for hours. And all I saw Betty Draper do on Mad Men was sit in her kitchen and smoke. Yes, I know it’s just a TV show. And her kids didn’t turn out well anyway… But you see my point!
So with all of that being said, if you’re reading this and you’re the type of mom that loves nothing more than playing dolls, legos, and action figures all day – that’s great! Props to you, mama! But I’m not that type of mom. And please don’t judge me because of it.
I’ve learned over the years there are a few things I can do to make playing with my kiddos a little more bearable.
10 Times I Should Have STFU as a FTM
By sunshineandholly on June 15, 2017Before you become a mom, you have this idea in your head of what it’s going to be like and the type of mom you’re going to be.
But every mom knows that all of those ideas go out the window when the nurse places your first baby in your arms.
You realize it’s all about survival in the beginning. And after a while, you end up doing what works for you and your baby. The longer you’re a mom, the less you care about what other people think and the more you rely on your instincts and what is working for your family.
That being said, when I was pregnant with my first child, I had a lot of great ideas about how I’d raise my kids and the type of mom I would be. As a first-time-mom (FTM), I knew that my kids would be different and I would be different. I would be the best mom and my kids would only get the best.

But now that I’m a seasoned mom…I’d like to go back and tell FTM Holly to STFU!