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Mom Life Terminology: 10 Phrases You Need to Know When You’re a Mom

By on April 3, 2018
Mom Life Terminology: 10 Phrases You Need to Know When You're a Mom | | motherhood humor | mom life

When you find out you’re expecting a baby, there’s a ton of new vocabulary to learn. (And most of it is pretty gross.) Amniotic fluid, afterbirth, bloody show, Braxton-hicks, colostrum, crowing, let-down, the list goes on and on. But even after your baby is born, there are still a few more terms you’ll need to familiarize yourself with. I call it “mom life terminology.” These are the terms you’ll hear from other down-to-earth mamas, like me. Moms that like to keep it real.

Mom Life Terminology: 10 Phrases You Need to Know When You’re a Mom

Mom Life Terminology: 10 Phrases You Need to Know When You're a Mom | | motherhood humor | mom life


A mombie is a dead-tired mom. A mom that was up at least 3 times the night before – feeding a newborn, cleaning up puke, changing sheets covered in pee, or calming a child that’s had a nightmare. You’ll recognize mombies in their stained yoga pants, dry shampoo, dark circles and bags under their eyes. The only thing that will cure a mombie and turn her back into one of the living is a Venti Coconut Milk Latte with two pumps caramel and extra whip from Starbucks (or other similar large coffee) and a nap. The male equivalent to a mombie is called “the walking dad.”

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5 Reasons Why Mama Is Acting Like a Crazy Lunatic this Morning

By on March 23, 2018
5 Reasons Why Mama Is Acting Like a Crazy Lunatic this Morning | | motherhood humor |

Oh sweet children.

Dear, sweet children.

You’re both the loves of my life, the sunshine in my day, my whole world is centered around you. Wiping your butts, cleaning up your throw up when you’re sick, losing sleep when you’ve had a bad dream, holding your hand and cheering you up when you fall, worrying about every aspect of your life from the day I saw the two pink lines on the pregnancy test.


5 Reasons Why Mama Is Acting Like a Crazy Lunatic this Morning | | motherhood humor |

I love you.

But every morning, I CAN’T STAND YOU!!!!

Each morning is a battle of wills. A battle of who’s the strongest. A battle of who can hold out longer, who can whine the loudest, who can be the most disrespectful and disobedient.

And you’re driving me crazy.

“Mama, why do you get so angry in the morning?”

REALLY?!?! You can’t tell why mama is angry?!

“Mama – remember what Daniel Tiger says:
(Singing) If you feel so mad, that you wanna roar, take a deep breath and count to 4.”

F*** Daniel Tiger! He’s never had to deal with children who are as defiant and lazy and mean and rude as you two are in the morning!

Here are 5 reasons why mama is acting like a crazy lunatic this morning:

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10 Stupid Things I’ve Done Because of Mom-Brain

By on February 19, 2018

This post was sponsored by STL Locksmiths, but all thoughts and opinions are my own. 

Mom-brain is totally a thing. After 9 months of growing a person inside of you, then pushing this watermelon-sized person out of your most delicate area, and then not sleeping more than 3 hours at a time for 6+ months, your brain starts to exhibit some wear and tear. I actually used to be an intelligent woman. I have a Bachelors and a Masters degree. But I swear my 2 children have sucked all the brain-cells out of my head. God knows what’s left in there. I’m picturing some sort of shriveled up raisin.

#ad 10 Stupid Things I've Done Because of Mom-Brain | | motherhood humor | mom life

Here are 10 stupid things I’ve done because of mom-brain.

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That Time My Son Took a Salad Spinner to Preschool

By on February 1, 2018

Once upon a time, I only had one child. An easy child, at that. I had all the energy and time in the world to devote to this child. I was the best mom. (Or at least I thought I was!) I put my foot down when needed, I disciplined with care and with love. I never yelled. I never even raised my voice.

But then, one day, a sweet tiny baby girl came along, and my life was flipped upside down.

Transitioning from one kid to two rocked my world. My sweet, easy first child turned into a defiant, willful, difficult 2-year-old, and my adorable new baby hated sleeping. Like, hated it.

Fast forward to a year later. My first child was still testing me every minute of every day. My second child still didn’t like to sleep, and was starting to test her own limits. I was worn out, worn down, and scarcely alive. Each morning I pried my eyes open, willed my heavy body out of bed, and dived face first into mothering, treading along all day, without a break, feeling like I was just barely keeping my head above the water.

One morning, when Graham was 3 and Maddie was 1, I was rushing around, trying to get us all ready to leave the house. I frantically searched for clean socks, slapped together some pb&js , made sure we were all wearing shoes, and shoveled some breakfast into my kids’ mouths.

Picking Your Battles in Parenting and That Time My Son Took a Salad Spinner to Preschool | | motherhood humor

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The Day I Buried My Last F***

By on January 22, 2018
The Day I Buried My Last F*** | | I worried so much about being judged when I first became a mom. But after all these years, I'm done letting other people's opinions get to me. I've finally buried my last f***!

One of my friends recently posted this hilarious meme on Facebook and tagged me and a few other friends in it. (It’s the cover of an old Nancy Drew novel with three girls burying something outside at night. The title on the book is “The Mysterious Night We Buried Our Last F***.”) I cracked up when I saw it! You see, the group of moms that she tagged in the meme are notorious for getting together to complain commiserate about motherhood. If I’m going to be completely honest here, we really get together to let our kids wear each other out, sip on some wine  coffee, and have a major b****fest.

Now, I know, a lot of moms would completely shame us for this. They’d say we need to be grateful, we’re so blessed, we’re privileged. Our children are precious gifts from God. (They are – really! I do believe this.) We have nothing really to whine about.

The Day I Buried My Last F*** |

But I’ve been a stay-at-home-mom for 5 plus years now. And sometimes, I need to complain. A lot. If you’re the type of mom that does feel blessed all the time – that’s wonderful! I’m so happy for you. But I wouldn’t suggest hanging out with my group of girlfriends any time soon. We’re still in the trenches of motherhood. The sleepless nights, shoveling our lunch into our mouths while we pass out goldfish and load the dishwasher, inadvertently training our bodies to poop at 9pm because it’s the only time we get a free minute to ourselves. This is our life. Our exhausting, mentally-taxing, beautiful, love-filled life.

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