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A Mermaid Pirate Birthday Party

By on May 17, 2017

Mermaid Pirate Birthday Party | | themed joint party

Both of my kiddos were born in September, so we’re going to try to do joint parties for them for as long as possible. A two-for-one deal! For their last birthday, we did a Mermaid and Pirate theme. There are so many adorable ideas on Pinterest for a mermaid pirate birthday party and I went all out with the theme for the food and decorations!

Mermaid Pirate Birthday Party |

The invitations were made by PixelPerfectionParty. So cute!


Mermaid Pirate Birthday Party |

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family | food | recipe

Orecchiette with Peas, Pancetta, and Parmesan

By on May 9, 2017

I know, I know – there are probably a million recipes on Pinterest for orecchiette with peas, pancetta, and parmesan. But my recipe is made with all pantry and freezer ingredients, so it’s a super easy meal to throw together on nights when you just don’t want to adult anymore. Or those days when you don’t feel like taking two kids to the grocery store.

It’s a #lazymomapproved recipe!

Orecchiette with Peas, Pancetta, and Parmesan |


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babies | baby | birth | breastfeeding | confidence | family | happiness | motherhood | parenting

My Story of Postpartum Depression

By on May 2, 2017

This is my story about my personal experience with postpartum depression. There is so much of this story that I’m not proud of, so much shame. But I feel the need to share it anyway. May is National Mental Health Awareness Month and it’s inspired me to put my story out there. I experienced postpartum depression after the birth of each of my children, but it was much stronger after my second child was born. I’ve never sat down to write out my experience and my feelings until now. I’m hoping my story will help other moms out there, moms like me who may not be aware that they’re suffering with PPD.

My Story of Postpartum Depression |

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babies | baby | family | Family Fun | food | fun | happiness | kids activities | spring | Travel

Strawberry Picking at Washington Farms

By on April 27, 2017
Strawberry Picking at Washington Farms |

One of our favorite spring activities is strawberry picking at Washington Farms, a local strawberry farm. The kids love running up and down the rows, filling up their buckets and sneaking a few of the fresh-off-the-vine-strawberries. After a few minutes, their clothes and fingers are stained with strawberry juice. And of course, I love cooking and baking with the berries. Strawberry shortcake, strawberry pie, strawberry salad, strawberries with cream, strawberry jam bars – the yummy possibilities are endless!

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babies | breastfeeding | family | love | pregnancy | Uncategorized

Successful Extended Breastfeeding with Low Milk Supply

By on April 26, 2017
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Successful Extended Breastfeeding with Low Milk Supply


My breastfeeding experience with my first baby, Graham, wasn’t at all what I had imagined.

He was 4 weeks early and I never made enough milk after trying countless strategies to increase my supply. I wanted to breastfeed so badly and although I knew how blessed I was to have a beautiful, healthy son, I couldn’t get over the emotional aspect of not being able to exclusively breastfeed. He was supplemented from the beginning in the NICU and eventually quit breastfeeding at 5 months after he realized the bottle was faster and easier.

Successful Extended Breastfeeding with Low Milk Supply

Looking back, I really believe now that my low supply was the entire reason I ended up with postpartum depression. I felt like such a failure – my body let me down. I also felt judged by others and felt like I had to defend myself every time I pulled out a bottle for Graham. (In hindsight, no one cared how I fed my son. During Graham’s entire first year of life, I only had one instance of someone judging me and making me feel guilty about not breastfeeding.)

Successful Extended Breastfeeding with Low Milk Supply

After I came to terms with the fact that I was never going to produce enough milk for Graham, I started thinking about what I would do differently when I had a second baby. I was SO determined to make breastfeeding work the second time around and dreamed about sharing my success story of exclusively breastfeeding a second baby. Breastfeeding was one of the things I most looked forward to when thinking about having another child. After my failure with Graham, my heart just couldn’t heal – every time I saw someone else breastfeeding, I was sad. As my friends had babies and were able to breastfeed, I was happy for them. I truly was. But my heart still ached. Why wasn’t I able to produce enough milk? Was it because Graham was early? Was it because I wasn’t able to hold or feed him for 12 hours? Does my body not respond well to the pump? Do I have insufficient glandular tissue? Was it because I was on birth control for so long? Is it a genetic issue? Hell, was it the type of deodorant I was using during pregnancy?!


Well, the second time around I had a beautiful, term, perfect baby girl. And…I was STILL not able to produce enough milk.


But even with a low milk supply, Maddie nursed until she was 17 months old. And I couldn’t be more proud of what we accomplished.

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