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5 Thoughts I Had While Spending 2 Hours at Chick-fil-A

By on September 8, 2017

I love Chick-fil-A. They have some tasty, tasty food, decent coffee, and great customer service. And those milkshakes? Oh yeah!! But best of all, they have an indoor, climate controlled play area where my wild children can burn some energy while I sit and take a much needed mom-break.

5 Thoughts I Had While Spending 2 Hours at Chick-fil-A |

But there’s such a thing as too much of a good thing. On Tuesday, we spent 2 hours at Chick-fil-A. I took the kids to play and have dinner since Dada was traveling for work. And I have to say, that 2 hours is too long to spend at any restaurant with kids, even Chick-fil-A.

5 Thoughts I Had While Spending 2 Hours at Chick-fil-A:

1. Chick-fil-A is the only place where it’s socially acceptable to let a bunch of young children run around a restaurant barefoot. And go to the bathroom barefoot. #gross

5 Thoughts I Had While Spending 2 Hours at Chick-fil-A |

2. When another parent walks into the tiny, enclosed play area that smells of toddler sweat, bare feet, and dirty diapers, and has at least 5 ice-cream-high-induced monkeys…er…kids running around, jumping, and screaming, I want to say to them, “Welcome to Hell.”

3. Forget frosted coffee and lemonade. What we really need up in here is some frosty alcoholic beverages.

Me: “Can I get a margarita?”

Chick-fil-a employee: “Of course! My pleasure!”

4. Is that my kid licking the slide? OMG she is!!! “Stop!!! Don’t lick the slide!!” Gag me.

5. When I get to the point in my life where I don’t have to stop, mid-bite, into my spicy chicken sandwich to hop up and go wipe someone else’s butt…that will be a good day.


So I learned my lesson. 2 hours is too much at Chick-fil-A. Unless they really do start serving margaritas…

Do you think that the cows would tell us to eat more chicken AND drink more tequila? Because I’d be all about that.

5 Thoughts I Had While Spending 2 Hours at Chick-fil-A |

Do you love Chick-fil-A?


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Tips for Keeping Your Kids’ Mouths Healthy and Teeth Pearly White

By on September 5, 2017

*This is a contributed post. I only accept contributed posts when I feel they can be relevant to the readers of Sunshine and Holly.*

Many new parents will worry about knowing when their child will start teething. Any experienced parent will have one answer to any such questions: don’t worry – they’ll make sure you know about it! Lol! (Maddie especially had a difficult time with teething. She woke us up for nights on end when she had a tooth popping through!) While kids’ first set of teeth aren’t permanent, it’s still super important that you keep on top of them to guarantee good oral hygiene and prevention of gum disease, decay, and other dental problems. Read on for a complete guide to everything you need to know about your child’s oral health.

Little Gnashers: Keeping Your Kids' Mouths Healthy and Teeth Pearly White | | tips for keeping kids teeth healthy | tips for brushing kids teeth

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Exploring Helen, Georgia with Kids

By on September 4, 2017

I’ve been visiting Helen, Georgia, a replica Bavarian Alps town in North Georgia, for longer than I can remember. My parent’s have a timeshare at a beautiful resort right on the river, and we’ve spent so many weeks relaxing and exploring the small town.

Exploring Helen, Georgia with Kids | Sunshine and Holly

Now that I have my own kiddos, it’s been so fun going back and doing all the things I grew up doing. Some of them are just as wonderful and fun as I remember, and some seem a little strange now that I’m older. (Like watching the birth of a baby doll out of a cabbage…)

But if you live in the South East, you may want to put Helen, Georgia on your travel bucket list. The town is cozy and quaint, and you can find some great eats and some amazing outdoor views and adventures!

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The Promise of September

By on August 23, 2017

August is always a difficult month for me.

Most of the public schools have started back, but our church-run preschool doesn’t start until after Labor Day. Usually by August, I’m burnt out, exhausted, and in desperate need of some kid-free time. Mama needs a break!

August days are long and hot (or rainy seems to be the case for this year). The kids are bored, I’m bored. By August, we’ve done all the fun summer activities so many times that they don’t seem fun anymore.  We’re over it and ready for school to start. I seem to loose my cool more often than not. And then there’s the cycle of yelling and guilt that seems to control me on my bad days.

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Homemade Pasta Using the KitchenAid Mixer

By on August 14, 2017
Homemade Pasta Using the KitchenAid Mixer | Sunshine and Holly

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I mentioned in the recipe for my caramelized onion bolognese that we served the sauce over homemade pasta. If you’ve never made homemade pasta – you should at least try it once. It’s not that hard – I promise! Our kids love helping us make pasta, almost as much as they love eating it!

Homemade Pasta Using the KitchenAid Mixer | Sunshine and Holly Homemade Pasta Using the KitchenAid Mixer | Sunshine and Holly

Although on this day, Maddie was the only one interested in cooking. Graham decided he would rather play on the iPad. Silly boy.

Homemade Pasta Using the KitchenAid Mixer | Sunshine and Holly Homemade Pasta Using the KitchenAid Mixer | Sunshine and Holly

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