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5 on a Friday – Things I’m Loving

By on April 13, 2018

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Happy Friday! This week was surprisingly tough considering my kids were back to school after over a week of spring break. Lots of tantrums, fighting, and disobedience! Guess they were just getting used to being back in their routine. I also had to fire my cleaning people (I know, I know – privileged people problems) and haven’t hired anyone else yet. My house is gross. Maddie peed all over the couch during a nap AND I washed and dried a red crayon with a load of laundry! Ug!

So I’m SUPER glad it’s almost the weekend. We’ll be busy with t-ball, a birthday party, lunch with friends, and (hopefully) taking some family pictures. (It’s supposed to rain Sunday, so we’ll see!) What do you have planned for the weekend?

Here are a few things I’ve been loving this week:

5 on a Friday – Things I’m Loving

1. Bagels and Lox

Josh and I have both been on a bagel kick lately. We love them with lox and cream cheese, or just a smear of avocado. Such a great breakfast or lunch! And this seasoning blend – soooo good!

5 on a Friday - Things I'm Loving |

2. Sensual Strut Body Lotion

I discovered this lotion two years ago when I was better at keeping up with my waxing appointments. TMI? Anyway, I just recently popped back into the European Wax Center and grabbed a bottle of the Sensual Strut Lotion. I LOVE how it smells!

3. Listening to Audible books

I downloaded a book to listen to during the car ride for my girls trip to Savannah this past weekend, and it really helped pass the time. I usually get car sick when I try to read in the car, so audible books are perfect. I’ve been listening to The Wife Between Us. I haven’t finished it yet, but so far I like it! Click below to grab a membership to Audible or to try it free for 30 days.

Audible Membership

5 on a Friday - Things I'm Loving |

4. Easy Lunches

I threw together this easy lunch the other day, and it was actually super tasty! I tossed some bagged broccoli slaw in a pan with coconut oil, cracked two eggs in, threw in some leftover chicken, and added some coconut aminos and sesame oil. It really hit the spot and was Whole 30 approved.

5 on a Friday - Things I'm Loving |

5. All the Sunshine

The weather here has been perfect lately. All the sunshine and warmer weather’s got me wanting to spend all day outside!

5 on a Friday - Things I'm Loving |

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


5 on a Friday - Things I'm Loving |

5 on a Friday - Things I'm Loving |


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Tips for Taking Maternity Photos with a Toddler Older Sibling

By on April 12, 2018
Tips for Taking Maternity Photos with a Toddler Older Sibling | | second pregnancy

I never shared my maternity photos when I was pregnant with Maddie here on the blog. Although I love how the pics turned out, all I can remember about that day is how exhausted I was. Second pregnancies are no joke! (I can’t even imagine a third – lol!) Graham was so cute back then – such a chubby little guy. But he sure was a handful while we were taking the pics. I  didn’t have high hopes when the photographer left. But the photos turned out great – he’s even smiling in most of them!

Here are some tips for taking maternity photos with a toddler older sibling.

1. Consider taking the photos at home.

Like I mentioned before, I was exhausted during my entire pregnancy. The thought of getting us all dressed and ready and then driving to another location was daunting! So I choose to have the photos taken at home. I also think Graham would have been too distracted if we had chosen another location. Having the photos taken at home allowed him to focus more on what we were asking him to do. I also think he felt more comfortable at home, and less shy with the photographer since we were at home.

Tips for Taking Maternity Photos with a Toddler Older Sibling | | second pregnancy

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Mom Life Terminology: 10 Phrases You Need to Know When You’re a Mom

By on April 3, 2018
Mom Life Terminology: 10 Phrases You Need to Know When You're a Mom | | motherhood humor | mom life

When you find out you’re expecting a baby, there’s a ton of new vocabulary to learn. (And most of it is pretty gross.) Amniotic fluid, afterbirth, bloody show, Braxton-hicks, colostrum, crowing, let-down, the list goes on and on. But even after your baby is born, there are still a few more terms you’ll need to familiarize yourself with. I call it “mom life terminology.” These are the terms you’ll hear from other down-to-earth mamas, like me. Moms that like to keep it real.

Mom Life Terminology: 10 Phrases You Need to Know When You’re a Mom

Mom Life Terminology: 10 Phrases You Need to Know When You're a Mom | | motherhood humor | mom life


A mombie is a dead-tired mom. A mom that was up at least 3 times the night before – feeding a newborn, cleaning up puke, changing sheets covered in pee, or calming a child that’s had a nightmare. You’ll recognize mombies in their stained yoga pants, dry shampoo, dark circles and bags under their eyes. The only thing that will cure a mombie and turn her back into one of the living is a Venti Coconut Milk Latte with two pumps caramel and extra whip from Starbucks (or other similar large coffee) and a nap. The male equivalent to a mombie is called “the walking dad.”

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March Favorites Link-Up Party

By on March 30, 2018

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Happy Friday!

I’m linking up today with a few other awesome bloggers for a March Favorites Link-Up Party. After you read my favorites for the month, make sure to check out some of the other blogger’s favorites linked at the bottom of this post!

 March Favorites Link-Up Party |

 1. Favorite Place I Went this Month

Well, this one is pretty obvious!

March Favorites Link-Up Party |

Check out this post about my favorite parts of our Disney trip and this post all about the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique!

2. Favorite Recipe I Made

Loving this recipe for roasted fennel. I also made a strawberry cake – recipe coming soon!

March Favorites Link-Up Party |

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5 Reasons Why Mama Is Acting Like a Crazy Lunatic this Morning

By on March 23, 2018
5 Reasons Why Mama Is Acting Like a Crazy Lunatic this Morning | | motherhood humor |

Oh sweet children.

Dear, sweet children.

You’re both the loves of my life, the sunshine in my day, my whole world is centered around you. Wiping your butts, cleaning up your throw up when you’re sick, losing sleep when you’ve had a bad dream, holding your hand and cheering you up when you fall, worrying about every aspect of your life from the day I saw the two pink lines on the pregnancy test.


5 Reasons Why Mama Is Acting Like a Crazy Lunatic this Morning | | motherhood humor |

I love you.

But every morning, I CAN’T STAND YOU!!!!

Each morning is a battle of wills. A battle of who’s the strongest. A battle of who can hold out longer, who can whine the loudest, who can be the most disrespectful and disobedient.

And you’re driving me crazy.

“Mama, why do you get so angry in the morning?”

REALLY?!?! You can’t tell why mama is angry?!

“Mama – remember what Daniel Tiger says:
(Singing) If you feel so mad, that you wanna roar, take a deep breath and count to 4.”

F*** Daniel Tiger! He’s never had to deal with children who are as defiant and lazy and mean and rude as you two are in the morning!

Here are 5 reasons why mama is acting like a crazy lunatic this morning:

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