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Practical Tips for Handling Your Aggressive Child in Public

By on November 8, 2019
Practical Tips for Handling Your Aggressive Child in Public | | strong willed toddler

My son was a difficult toddler. He was super strong-willed, and very aggressive and physical when he didn’t get his way. He really gave me a crash course in motherhood! When he was little, I felt like I was doing everything wrong. I didn’t think any of the discipline techniques I was using were working for him. (But now he seems to be a well-adjusted 7-year-old, so I must have not screwed up too much! Lol! Seriously though, I’m SO proud of him these days.)

Practical Tips for Handling Your Aggressive Child in Public | | strong willed toddler

When he was going through that stage, I did so much research on discipline, behavior, and how to handle strong-willed, aggressive kids. I read books, talked to other moms, got advice from our pediatrician, and scoured Pinterest for tips. But there were a few things I picked up along the way that really helped me as far as how I handled my son’s aggression in public. Because it’s one thing to deal with an aggressive child all day at home, but it’s a whole different story when you’re out in public under other people’s judging eyes! It took me a loooong time to be able to ignore the dirty looks and the rude comments about my child’s behavior. The people with the strongest opinions about how I should have been handling him really thought they knew what was best. But I was his mama. I was with him all day. And I choose to follow my mother’s intuition and instinct. I eventually figured out what worked and what didn’t.

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10 Tips for Staying in a Hotel with Kids

By on February 21, 2019
10 Tips for Staying in a Hotel with Kids | | travel with children | traveling with kids

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We’ve stayed in lots of hotels over the years with our kids. These days, we’ve got our routines down to a science, and our kids (mostly) understand the rules and what’s expected of them when we’re away from home. I’ll admit though, we stopped traveling for a while after Maddie was born. She just didn’t like to sleep in general, much less when we were in a hotel room. And toddler Graham was just too wild to keep calm and quiet! But now that the kids are older, we love taking trips together. I’ve got a few tips and tricks that make staying in a small hotel room easier with kids.

Check out these 10 tips for staying in a hotel with kids:

Luggage Carts Are Your Friend

Before kids, the hubs and I packed pretty light and would just carry our bags with us to our hotel room. But traveling with kids requires a TON of more stuff. We quickly learned to grab a luggage cart after we check into the hotel to make it easier to get all the luggage to the room. The kids love taking a ride too!

10 Tips for Staying in a Hotel with Kids | | travel with children | traveling with kids

Unplug the Phone

The first thing we do when we get into the hotel room is to unplug the phone. TRUST ME on this one. Kids these days are fascinated by a phone that plugs into the wall. (Or basically, any phone that’s not a cell phone.) My kids always want to play with the hotel phone, which is fine with me, as long as it’s unplugged!

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family | motherhood | parenting

5 Ways to Help Your Toddler Handle Anger (Plus a Free Printable!)

By on January 30, 2019
5 Ways to Help Your Toddler Handle Anger (Plus a Free Printable!) | | angry kid | aggressive | aggression in children | how to get kid to stop hitting biting pushing throwing | anger chart | calm down chart

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Toddlers are a rare breed. All of a sudden, your sweet little baby realizes they have the power to make choices. And once they realize that, they start testing that power. Over and over and over, all day long…

5 Ways to Help Your Toddler Handle Anger (Plus a Free Printable!) | | angry kid | aggressive | aggression in children | how to get kid to stop hitting biting pushing throwing | anger chart | calm down chart

Opinions, emotions, and tantrums, oh my!

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Strawberry Picking at Washington Farms

By on April 27, 2017
Strawberry Picking at Washington Farms |

One of our favorite spring activities is strawberry picking at Washington Farms, a local strawberry farm. The kids love running up and down the rows, filling up their buckets and sneaking a few of the fresh-off-the-vine-strawberries. After a few minutes, their clothes and fingers are stained with strawberry juice. And of course, I love cooking and baking with the berries. Strawberry shortcake, strawberry pie, strawberry salad, strawberries with cream, strawberry jam bars – the yummy possibilities are endless!

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Pigeon Forge – A Family Friendly Destination

By on May 20, 2013

A couple of weekends ago we went up to Pigeon Forge for a little family getaway. We’ve been up there a few times, but this was the first time with Graham. He was awesome the entire trip!

Pigeon Forge – A Family Friendly Destination

We headed up Thursday evening after Josh got off work. Our first stop – Cracker Barrel! I had the grilled chicken tenderloins with mac and cheese and carrots. Graham had some applesauce.

Pigeon Forge - A Family Friendly Destination | | dollywood | traveling with kids | travel with children | Ripley's Believe It or Not Museum | Goats on the Roof
Graham had to try on these cowboy boots we found in the store. He’s a country boy!
Pigeon Forge - A Family Friendly Destination | | dollywood | traveling with kids | travel with children | Ripley's Believe It or Not Museum | Goats on the Roof
We usually stay at the Hampton Inn in Pigeon Forge. We checked in super late. Graham had fallen asleep in the car but luckily went back to bed pretty easily.

Ripley’s Believe It or Not

Friday we woke up to rain. After a quick breakfast at the hotel, we headed into Gatlinburg to see what we could find to do that was inside since it was still pouring rain. We decided to check out the Ripley’s Believe It or Not museum. It was actually really interesting!
Graham got his picture with the creepy two-headed cow.
Pigeon Forge - A Family Friendly Destination | | dollywood | traveling with kids | travel with children | Ripley's Believe It or Not Museum | Goats on the Roof
Then we took a pic with Robert Wadlow – the tallest recorded man that ever lived. (Crazy coincidence – I checked out “The Girl Who Chased the Moon” from the library the week before we went to Pigeon Forge. It had a character that was based on Robert Wadlow. The author even dedicated the book to him! It was a pretty good book and it was so weird that I’d never heard of Robert Wadlow before this.)
Pigeon Forge - A Family Friendly Destination | | dollywood | traveling with kids | travel with children | Ripley's Believe It or Not Museum | Goats on the Roof


Fun Around Gatlinburg

We ducked into a Dunkin’ Donuts to feed Graham, and when I finished the rain had slowed down. By this time we were starving so we grabbed some lunch at Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. Tasty! After that, the rain had stopped completely! We walked around Gatlinburg for a while and ended up at the Ole Smoky Moonshine brewery.

Pigeon Forge - A Family Friendly Destination | | dollywood | traveling with kids | travel with children | Ripley's Believe It or Not Museum | Goats on the Roof
Huge barrel of moonshine a’ brewin’.
Pigeon Forge - A Family Friendly Destination | | dollywood | traveling with kids | travel with children | Ripley's Believe It or Not Museum | Goats on the Roof
There was a bar area where you could try all of the different flavors. (There were 12 in all!) I felt a little wrong having my baby in a bar. I felt even MORE wrong having my baby in a bar while my husband and I did shots of moonshine! Lol! Graham was actually taking a nap in the stroller while we were doing the tasting. A few random guys saw him passed out and started chuckling. Josh said to them, “Yeah, he already did the tasting – he couldn’t handle it.” Ha!
Pigeon Forge - A Family Friendly Destination | | dollywood | traveling with kids | travel with children | Ripley's Believe It or Not Museum | Goats on the Roof
All of the flavors were super yummy! Blackberry, grape, lemon drop, blueberry, pink lemonade, strawberry. Mmmm! We ended up buying a jar of peach and apple pie. Those were the best! I skipped out on tasting the “original” and the “white lightin” flavors – those were the two most…potent. I figure one of us needed to be able to drive!
Pigeon Forge - A Family Friendly Destination | | dollywood | traveling with kids | travel with children | Ripley's Believe It or Not Museum | Goats on the Roof

Dixie Stampede

After that, we went back to the hotel and rested for a bit. Then it was off to the Dixie Stampede! I’ve been before and I LOVE it. Since I know I can’t do it justice by explaining what it is, click here to Wikipedia it. (Scroll down to the “show” section.) I know it sounds a little cheesy, but it’s so much fun!
Pigeon Forge - A Family Friendly Destination | | dollywood | traveling with kids | travel with children | Ripley's Believe It or Not Museum | Goats on the Roof


The next morning was the highlight of the trip and the main reason we go to Pigeon Forge – Dollywood!!! Dollywood really is one of the most fun theme parks. They’ve got award-winning roller coasters and shows, delicious food, and tons of stuff for families to enjoy. Still skeptical? Dollywood won the Applause Award in 2010 – the most prestigious award in the theme park industry. You should go!

Graham loved it!

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 Looking so cool in his shades!
Pigeon Forge - A Family Friendly Destination | | dollywood | traveling with kids | travel with children | Ripley's Believe It or Not Museum | Goats on the Roof


Family pic time!

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I’m such a sucker for these photo ops.
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Indiana Graham. 🙂
Pigeon Forge - A Family Friendly Destination | | dollywood | traveling with kids | travel with children | Ripley's Believe It or Not Museum | Goats on the Roof
Playing on the playground!
Pigeon Forge - A Family Friendly Destination | | dollywood | traveling with kids | travel with children | Ripley's Believe It or Not Museum | Goats on the Roof
Riding the carousel.
Pigeon Forge - A Family Friendly Destination | | dollywood | traveling with kids | travel with children | Ripley's Believe It or Not Museum | Goats on the Roof
Right before we rode the train. Such cute boys!
Pigeon Forge - A Family Friendly Destination | | dollywood | traveling with kids | travel with children | Ripley's Believe It or Not Museum | Goats on the Roof


Goats on the Roof

On Sunday, we headed home. On the way, to top off our country-fied vacation, we decided to stop at a little place called “Goats on the Roof.” Which is a store and restaurant with…you guessed it! Goats on the roof!
Pigeon Forge - A Family Friendly Destination | | dollywood | traveling with kids | travel with children | Ripley's Believe It or Not Museum | Goats on the Roof


Pigeon Forge - A Family Friendly Destination | | dollywood | traveling with kids | travel with children | Ripley's Believe It or Not Museum | Goats on the Roof


Pigeon Forge - A Family Friendly Destination | | dollywood | traveling with kids | travel with children | Ripley's Believe It or Not Museum | Goats on the Roof


Pigeon Forge - A Family Friendly Destination | | dollywood | traveling with kids | travel with children | Ripley's Believe It or Not Museum | Goats on the Roof


Pigeon Forge - A Family Friendly Destination | | dollywood | traveling with kids | travel with children | Ripley's Believe It or Not Museum | Goats on the Roof
“Ok mom, I’m over these goats on the roof.”
Pigeon Forge - A Family Friendly Destination | | dollywood | traveling with kids | travel with children | Ripley's Believe It or Not Museum | Goats on the Roof

Our trip was so much fun! I can’t wait for Graham to get a little older so we can take him again. Our next trip is coming up in July – Tybee Island with both sets of Graham’s grandparents. (So they can babysit while Josh and I have some fun in Savannah.) Can’t wait!


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Pigeon Forge – A Family Friendly Destination

Pigeon Forge - A Family Friendly Destination | | dollywood | traveling with kids | travel with children | Ripley's Believe It or Not Museum | Goats on the Roof

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