Uncategorized | yard work

Yard Work – Yuck!

By on November 3, 2010

A couple of weekends ago we filled up 9!!! refuse bags clearing out our flower bed in front of the house. It was back breaking work!

(The first few bags – we were about 1/2 way done at this point.)

Once we cleared out the flower bed, we laid bricks, planted pansies and put down some grass seed. (Unfortunately, I don’t have a green thumb. 🙁 About half of the pretty pansies you see here are now dead. RIP pansies!)

Too bad I didn’t take a before pic!

Sometimes I think we should have bought a condo. Yard work is NOT fun!

But when I see this:

I remember why we bought a house with a yard. 🙂

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kitchen renovation | Uncategorized

Kitchen Renovation Weekend #2

By on November 1, 2010

This past week (while I was slaving away at work) my hubby and my father-in-law took care of a few more things for the kitchen. They installed the door in the new pantry/laundry room wall. (After an extra trip to Home Depot because they bought the wrong size the first time…hehe!)

Hubby was also home when the fridge was finally delivered…not on Tuesday like it was supposed to be…because the first set of delivery men were jerkslazyincompetent fools…not very nice men. The fridge wouldn’t fit through the front or side door of our house (houses built in 1950 have smaller doors than newer houses I guess) and the first set of delivery men wouldn’t bring the fridge up the steps to the back porch and in through the back door. *Sigh* So we rescheduled the delivery for Thursday and they were supposed to bring two extra men…and…well…they didn’t! But the two men that did show up were very helpful and brought the fridge in through the back door anyway. So FINALLY we have our fridge in the house. But….they couldn’t hook up the water line for the ice maker because ours is too old. Another item for the plumber to charge us for!

But I LOVE the fridge! It is BEAUTIFUL! And every time I see it, I just smile.

New fridge love!

We also bought our oven and new microwave…and they were delivered without any issues. 🙂

The plumber came back with a quote for moving the washer up to the new laundry room, but now we’re thinking we need to wait until later on in the renovation in case we have more plumbing issues that we need to add on (just like the darn waterline for the fridge).

Saturday and Sunday we sanded, primed and painted the new wall…which you would think wouldn’t have taken very long since it’s a tiny wall…but of course it seemed like it took FOREVER! Glad it’s done!

New wall! (Please ignore all the spilled paint on the floor. We’re replacing the floor anyway.) We’ll also move the white cabinet once we have the shelving up in the pantry. (The white cabinet served as our pantry for the past year and a half.)

We hit up Ikea on Sunday to talk to them about the 40% off the countertops sale. (Which is a GREAT sale, by the way. $19.99/foot of granite installed!!) Now I’m overwhelmed about the granite color – I can’t make a decision! Ahhhh!!!

I think the kitchen already looks 100 times better – just with the new fridge and the walled off pantry area. I can’t wait to see the entire thing finished!

I’ll finish this post with a pic from Saturday night at Brick Store Pub – where I had some yummy baked brie and the tastiest cider that was served in the cutest little mug!!! I love downtown Decatur!

And we won’t talk about the GA/FL game…ug! Oh well…there’s always next year!


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home | Home Improvement | kitchen | kitchen renovation | renovation | Uncategorized

Kitchen Renovation – Weekend #1

By on October 25, 2010

We started the kitchen renovation this weekend!

Step 1 – Wall off the breakfast nook to make a walk-in pantry/laundry room. (Our washer and dryer are in the basement right now – NOT convenient.)

My father-in-law is awesome. He threw the wall up in just a few hours. Josh and I will be breaking out the paint tonight. Then we’ll install the door later this week and cross this step off the list!

Plus – Our NEW refrigerator be delivered tomorrow!!! I am soooooooo excited!! It’s BEAUTIFUL!!



P.S. We HAVE to buy a new camera battery charger. I still can’t find our old one and I really want to take pics during the renovation. 🙁

Here are some pics taken with my iPhone – please excuse the quality…and please ignore the mess that is our kitchen.




Here is the rest of the kitchen renovation plan. (I’ll just be happy when it’s all over!)

Step 2 – Call the plumber and schedule them to come out to move the washer and dryer into the laundry room.

Step 3 – Tear out the old cabinets

Step 4 – Put together new cabinets

Step 5 – Install new cabinets

Step 6 – Have new countertop installed

Step 7 – Have new microwave, new wall oven, and old stovetop installed

Step 8 – Vent new microwave to outside (it’s an over the range microwave)

Step 9 – Backsplash

Step 10 – Flooring

Step 11 – Lighting

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husband | Uncategorized

Happy 3rd Anniversary to My Wonderful Husband!

By on October 21, 2010

Yesterday was my 3rd wedding anniversary with my hubby. And how did we celebrate? Well, we spent a total of 2.5 hours together – cooking a not-so-fancy dinner, watching our Wednesday night shows, and then going to bed early. We certainly know how to party! Not.

I worked my full 8:30am to 5:30pm job (even had to work through lunch…boo) and then drove straight to volunteer at the teen ministry like I do every Wednesday night. Got home around 8, cooked dinner, watched tv, went to bed.

I guess we aren’t really newlyweds anymore. We’re just an old married couple. 🙂

But it’s alright – I’m not complaining. Besides, we’re going out to dinner tonight. SUSHI!!! So it’s all good.

Happy Anniversary Josh! I love you!

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job | Uncategorized | work

Signs you may not be happy with your job…

By on October 14, 2010

1. The bathroom stall is not only a place to do your “business,” but also your safehaven – a calming get-a-way location where you can relax for a good 15 minutes at a time. (At least until the auto-lights go off. Then it’s just weird to sit in the bathroom in the dark.)

2. You have to move certain emails out of your inbox and into a folder titled “I’ll deal with this later” just because looking at those email makes you infuriated.

3. You feel like you have multiple personalities when you get to work. You say outloud, “I’m doing great this morning! Thanks for asking! How are you doing today?” But you are really thinking to yourself, “How am I doing? I’m tired. I don’t want to be here today. I don’t feel like dealing with all of this crap. Screw you! Is it Friday yet?!”

4. You once described yourself as a happy-go-lucky, hopefully, bright-eyed young business woman. Now you just see yourself as a bitter, miserable old shrew.

5. You’d rather take a nap in the back seat of your car during lunch that risk having to talk about work in the breakroom with your co-workers.

6. Every time you answer certain people’s questions, they look at you like you’re an idiot…even though you’re telling them the correct answer. Apparently, people think that if you lack power, you lack intelligence. (Thanks for that quote, Lauren – I love it!)

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