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That Time My Son Took a Salad Spinner to Preschool

By on February 1, 2018

Once upon a time, I only had one child. An easy child, at that. I had all the energy and time in the world to devote to this child. I was the best mom. (Or at least I thought I was!) I put my foot down when needed, I disciplined with care and with love. I never yelled. I never even raised my voice.

But then, one day, a sweet tiny baby girl came along, and my life was flipped upside down.

Transitioning from one kid to two rocked my world. My sweet, easy first child turned into a defiant, willful, difficult 2-year-old, and my adorable new baby hated sleeping. Like, hated it.

Fast forward to a year later. My first child was still testing me every minute of every day. My second child still didn’t like to sleep, and was starting to test her own limits. I was worn out, worn down, and scarcely alive. Each morning I pried my eyes open, willed my heavy body out of bed, and dived face first into mothering, treading along all day, without a break, feeling like I was just barely keeping my head above the water.

One morning, when Graham was 3 and Maddie was 1, I was rushing around, trying to get us all ready to leave the house. I frantically searched for clean socks, slapped together some pb&js , made sure we were all wearing shoes, and shoveled some breakfast into my kids’ mouths.

Picking Your Battles in Parenting and That Time My Son Took a Salad Spinner to Preschool | | motherhood humor

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My Goal to Become a “Yes-Mom” This Year

By on January 29, 2018

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #WellYes2018 #CollectiveBias

It all began with a couple of bottles of dried up paint.

#ad My Goal to Become a Yes-Mom this Year | | #WellYes2018

My kids had been asking to paint for weeks. Each time I inwardly groaned, and cleverly redirected them to another less-messy activity. Because I really hate letting my kids paint. It always starts out fine – they innocently dip their paint brushes, mixing a few colors here and there, giggling and telling me all about the “masterpieces” they’re painting. But after about 10 minutes, it all starts to go downhill – fast! Someone starts mixing all the colors together, someone squeezes out almost an entire bottle of paint, someone starts painting her hand, face, or foot, someone starts smearing huge globs of paint all over the table… When we’re done, my kitchen looks like a rainbow exploded and I swear to myself that I’m never letting the kids paint again!

#ad My Goal to Become a Yes-Mom this Year |

But last week, I caved. My little artists had asked so many times to paint, and I knew I couldn’t hold out any longer. I opened up the storage box where we keep the painting supplies and (to my secret delight) all the paint was completely dried up. “Oh well! Guess we can’t paint today.”

My kids were heartbroken. My little one cried. Que the mommy-guilt…

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confidence | family | happiness | motherhood | Motherhood Humor | parenting

The Day I Buried My Last F***

By on January 22, 2018
The Day I Buried My Last F*** | | I worried so much about being judged when I first became a mom. But after all these years, I'm done letting other people's opinions get to me. I've finally buried my last f***!

One of my friends recently posted this hilarious meme on Facebook and tagged me and a few other friends in it. (It’s the cover of an old Nancy Drew novel with three girls burying something outside at night. The title on the book is “The Mysterious Night We Buried Our Last F***.”) I cracked up when I saw it! You see, the group of moms that she tagged in the meme are notorious for getting together to complain commiserate about motherhood. If I’m going to be completely honest here, we really get together to let our kids wear each other out, sip on some wine  coffee, and have a major b****fest.

Now, I know, a lot of moms would completely shame us for this. They’d say we need to be grateful, we’re so blessed, we’re privileged. Our children are precious gifts from God. (They are – really! I do believe this.) We have nothing really to whine about.

The Day I Buried My Last F*** |

But I’ve been a stay-at-home-mom for 5 plus years now. And sometimes, I need to complain. A lot. If you’re the type of mom that does feel blessed all the time – that’s wonderful! I’m so happy for you. But I wouldn’t suggest hanging out with my group of girlfriends any time soon. We’re still in the trenches of motherhood. The sleepless nights, shoveling our lunch into our mouths while we pass out goldfish and load the dishwasher, inadvertently training our bodies to poop at 9pm because it’s the only time we get a free minute to ourselves. This is our life. Our exhausting, mentally-taxing, beautiful, love-filled life.

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Easy Kid’s Valentine’s Day Thumbprint Craft

By on January 10, 2018
Easy Kid's Valentine's Day Thumbprint Craft |

You know me – this #lazymom is always looking for quick and simple crafts to do with the kiddos. And this easy kid’s Valentine’s Day thumbprint craft was perfect to kill some time one cold and rainy afternoon. The kids loved it, it was easy to make (and clean up), and the finished product is cute enough to use as decor around the house! The most difficult part of the whole craft was getting Maddie to pose for a picture with the finished product. Girlfriend hates having her picture taken these days…

Easy Kid's Valentine's Day Thumbprint Craft |
Such a cheese-ball smile!

Easy Kid’s Valentine’s Day Thumbprint Craft

All you’ll need is a white canvas or some cardstock, scissors, tape (double-sided would probably work better), paint, and some extra paper to use for the hearts.

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When Maddie Cut her Foot and Why We Should Always Offer to Help

By on January 4, 2018

I’ve had this post in my drafts for months. I’ve never hit publish on it because it’s super negative. And while Maddie and her foot are fine, this story doesn’t have a happy ending. I still get riled up when I think about that day. It still hurts my heart that I had to go through all of this without one single person offering to help…

But I’m going to publish it now and hope that by sharing this story, it’ll make us all think twice when we see another mom in public, struggling. We need to help each other. Because moms get it – we can tell when another mom has had it. When she’s in over her head. When she needs help. What stops us from offering a hand? What stops us from offering to help? The worst that can happen is that she’ll say no…

We were at the pool one day this summer, trying to beat the heat and pass some time since those long summer days seem to go on forever. It wasn’t too crowded that day, just about 4-5 other moms or grandmothers that I didn’t know with their kids or grandchildren.

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