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10 Tips for Raising a Healthy Happy Eater

August 8, 2018
10 Tips for Raising a Healthy Happy Eater | | picky eater | try new foods | healthy foods | toddler

My kids are (thankfully) pretty good eaters. My son, in particular, loves trying new foods! He likes kale, spinach, sushi, raw oysters, quinoa, and lots of other foods that typically aren’t considered “kid-friendly.” Any time I post pictures or videos of my kids eating different kinds of food, other moms will ask, “What did you do to get your kids to try new foods? My kids won’t eat anything!”

The truth?

I got lucky. I don’t really think it was anything I actually did. My husband and I both love food. In fact, I have a really hard time thinking of foods I don’t like! Maybe our kids have a genetic predisposition to love food like we do? Ha!

But looking back, I guess there are a few things I did over the years to get my kids to try new, healthy foods.

10 Tips for Raising a Healthy Happy Eater

1. We (usually) sit down as a family to eat.

Confession time – I really don’t enjoy eating with my kids. They’re messy, loud, don’t stay seated, and tend to ask me for a million things (usually right after I sit down). Mealtime together as a family isn’t exactly relaxing. But I know how important it is to eat together as much as possible. Family meals strengthen relationships, build self-esteem, instill a sense of belonging, and are great opportunities for parents to set examples of healthy eating.

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2.  We make sure they see us trying new foods and making healthy choices.

It’s great to eat together as a family,  but if your kids don’t see you eat a variety of healthy foods, they aren’t going to want to eat them either.

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3. We let them pick out things to try at the store.

As much as I despise taking my kids to the grocery store, it’s a great opportunity for them to not only see lots of different types of foods but also to choose some to try. By giving my kids the power to choose, they’re more likely to taste the things they pick. One time, when Graham was little, he grabbed a whole carrot right out of a bin at the farmers market and started chowing down on it. I decided to buy a few that week, and he ate them all!

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4. We let them help with food prep.

My kids have been helping me cook for years! I love letting them help in the kitchen. Yes, they don’t always listen, they make a mess, it takes longer, and it’s pretty annoying at times. But I still think it’s important! I feel like when my kids see the raw ingredients turn into a meal, it makes them more willing to try what we’ve prepared. They also get a sense of pride when they help. They love telling Dada, “I cooked that!” or “I helped make that!”

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10 Tips for Raising a Healthy Happy Eater | | picky eater | try new foods | healthy foods | toddler

5. We show them neat ways to cut/peel/prepare food.

Even young kids can use a butter knife to cut up strawberries or use a potato masher to mash potatoes. My kid’s love to help me break off the tough ends of asparagus and peel mangos on a glass.

6. We tell them cool and funny facts about food.

I’m pretty sure the main reason my kids eat asparagus is because of the funny bathroom fact that I told them. 

7. We serve colorful food.

Kids love color! They may not want to try cauliflower, but I bet they’ll try purple cauliflower.

10 Tips for Raising a Healthy Happy Eater | | picky eater | try new foods | healthy foods | toddler

8. We serve “build-your-own” meals.

My kids love building their own tacos, pizzas, lettuce wraps, and other similar items. When I give them the freedom to make their own entree, they’ll often try new foods and choose vegetables they might not have eaten if I had assembled the food for them.

9. We give them options to chose.

As I mentioned above, my kids love having the option to choose their own food. I’ll give them two healthy options and let them pick. Giving them a choice gives them ownership of their plate, and they’ll often eat more since they got to pick.

10. We make things silly!

Yes, table manners are important, but if letting my kids act silly at mealtime gets them to try new foods and make healthy choices, I’m all about it! Graham wants to fold a whole wheat pancake like a taco and eat it with his hands? Sure. Maddie wants to slurp up veggie soup? Ok. They want to do the “Lady and the Tramp” with zoodles? Why not! I also love making themed food to go with a movie or a holiday. Anything that’s fun and silly!

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Bonus tip:

Have sliced veggies and fruit out on the table or counter while you’re cooking dinner. My kids always get super hungry when they start smelling food. You’ll have something healthy for them to snack on so you don’t have to fend off a million questions of “Can I have a snack?”

And all of this being said, I also have been known to feed my kids cereal for dinner. #keepingitreal

What things do you do to make sure you’re raising a healthy eater?

10 Tips for Raising a Healthy Happy Eater | | picky eater | try new foods | healthy foods | toddler

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