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Surprise! Baby Davis – Take 3!

By on September 1, 2022

If you don’t follow me on social media – this will be a huge surprise. I’m pregnant! We decided to try for one more baby – our bonus baby. I’m due late January/early February (17 weeks as I type this!) and we’re having another girl. I’ve been taking notes on my phone each week about how I’ve been feeling but wanted to get everything down here on the blog. I documented everything so well with Graham but really dropped the ball with Maddie’s pregnancy. Poor second child! Hoping to do better this time around since the other two are older and so much more self-sufficient.

Surprise! Baby Davis - Take 3!

We started trying for this baby in February of 2022 and actually got pregnant right away. Unfortunately, I had an early miscarriage the day after I got a positive test. We tried again each month and I was so happy to finally see another two lines on a pregnancy test on May 26th! I woke up early to pee at 5:30 and took the test. (My period was due the next day.) It showed up positive right away! My heart started pounding and of course, when I tried to go back to sleep I couldn’t. I was way too wired! So I went ahead and got up, made some coffee, and watched some tv.

When the kids woke up I made us all some eggs. Josh said he saw the test wrapper in the trash but not the test, so he was suspicious. Then I texted him when he was in the shower to ask if he wanted eggs. He knew that something was up since I was awake early and making eggs for everyone. I’m not a morning person. So when I gave him the test when he walked into the kitchen, he was already smiling and knew what was up!

We’re so excited to add another awesome kid to our family! But this definitely wasn’t an easy decision. I’ve been waffling for years about whether or not to try for a third. It’s such a scary decision. My body doesn’t do pregnancy well and I’m so much older than I was with my first two babies. Trying for a third was all I talked about with my therapist for months! But I knew I’d regret not trying. I never felt “done” in my heart and despite all the awful parts of pregnancy and the tough newborn and toddler years, I knew I wanted one more. One more chance to experience all the firsts. One more amazing kid to raise. I mean my other two are so awesome so I can’t wait to see what this one is like!

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