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I’d Rather Be a Lazy Mom than an Angry Mom

By on March 1, 2022

I'd Rather Be a Lazy Mom than an Angry Mom | sunshineandholly.comI’d Rather Be a Lazy Mom than an Angry Mom

I always knew I wanted to be a mom. It was the one thing I knew for sure that I was going to do once I was an adult. And like most people without kids, I knew I was going to be the best mom ever. I had super high expectations for myself and I’ll admit, I was a little judgemental towards other parents that didn’t do things the way that I thought was best.

But after having 2 kids in 2 years, I quickly realized that I wasn’t going to live up to my unreasonable expectations. Trying to do it all was slowly driving me crazy. I was angry all the time. Angry at myself for not living up to my expectations, angry at my kids for being so needy, angry at my husband for not being home to help out. I knew I was going to have to let some things go.

But I had a really hard time with the guilt of not being able to do it all. And to be honest, I still struggle so much with the (completely unjustified) shame I feel when I think about everything I *should* be doing. (I know, I know – it’s silly. I know I’m a great mom. It’s that perfectionist side of me coming out!) The hard lesson I had to learn is that no matter what expectations you put on yourself for motherhood, moms are still human. We still have our own needs and wants, past trauma and baggage, flaws and shortcomings. We want what’s best for our kids, but we can’t destroy ourselves in order to give them the best. Because first and foremost, our kids need a mom. A mentally healthy, present, caring mom.

I knew I had to start letting some things go that in the grand scheme of things, weren’t that important. And I received some judgment. I’m sure some people thought I was just being lazy. But I would rather be a lazy mom than an angry mom. And if skipping out on some small things gave me the energy and mental capacity to be able to handle the important stuff, that was the way things were going to be for our family.

What things have you had to let go to keep your sanity during the last few years?

I'd Rather Be a Lazy Mom than an Angry Mom |

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Practical Tips for Handling Your Aggressive Child in Public

By on November 8, 2019
Practical Tips for Handling Your Aggressive Child in Public | | strong willed toddler

My son was a difficult toddler. He was super strong-willed, and very aggressive and physical when he didn’t get his way. He really gave me a crash course in motherhood! When he was little, I felt like I was doing everything wrong. I didn’t think any of the discipline techniques I was using were working for him. (But now he seems to be a well-adjusted 7-year-old, so I must have not screwed up too much! Lol! Seriously though, I’m SO proud of him these days.)

Practical Tips for Handling Your Aggressive Child in Public | | strong willed toddler

When he was going through that stage, I did so much research on discipline, behavior, and how to handle strong-willed, aggressive kids. I read books, talked to other moms, got advice from our pediatrician, and scoured Pinterest for tips. But there were a few things I picked up along the way that really helped me as far as how I handled my son’s aggression in public. Because it’s one thing to deal with an aggressive child all day at home, but it’s a whole different story when you’re out in public under other people’s judging eyes! It took me a loooong time to be able to ignore the dirty looks and the rude comments about my child’s behavior. The people with the strongest opinions about how I should have been handling him really thought they knew what was best. But I was his mama. I was with him all day. And I choose to follow my mother’s intuition and instinct. I eventually figured out what worked and what didn’t.

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family | motherhood | parenting

5 Ways to Help Your Toddler Handle Anger (Plus a Free Printable!)

By on January 30, 2019
5 Ways to Help Your Toddler Handle Anger (Plus a Free Printable!) | | angry kid | aggressive | aggression in children | how to get kid to stop hitting biting pushing throwing | anger chart | calm down chart

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Toddlers are a rare breed. All of a sudden, your sweet little baby realizes they have the power to make choices. And once they realize that, they start testing that power. Over and over and over, all day long…

5 Ways to Help Your Toddler Handle Anger (Plus a Free Printable!) | | angry kid | aggressive | aggression in children | how to get kid to stop hitting biting pushing throwing | anger chart | calm down chart

Opinions, emotions, and tantrums, oh my!

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