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2.5 more days until FREEDOM…sweet freedom!

By on December 21, 2010

Yeah, that’s right. Only 2 and a half more days until I have 11 straight days off from work. Eleven!!!!! Christmas Eve through the first Monday in January. AND that’s only using 4 vacation days! (Because that’s all I have left after using 5 in June and 1 in October. Boo.) I’m “working-from-home” on the 24th, taking the 27th as my Christmas holiday, using the 4 vacation days on the 28th through the 31st and then taking my New Years holiday on the 3rd! I can’t WAIT!

Since we’re not going anywhere, I’m making a list of fun stuff for me and the hubs to do during our time off. I’m sure we’ll work on the kitchen a lot too. (P.S. – the electrician is at my house RIGHT NOW installing my oven, stove, and microwave!!! I can’t wait to be able to cook again!)

I also need to start doing meal plans and setting some exercise goals. We’ve been eating out so much (since there’s no kitchen) and I’ve been too busy to do much exercising…I think I’ve gained 100,000,000 pounds.

Well, I’ve got lots of scanning to do, so off to the copy room I go.

Can’t wait until Thursday at 5pm!!!!!

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Travel | Uncategorized | vacation

All-Inclusive Amazingness

By on June 8, 2010

I’m back from my absolutely FABULOUS vacation! It was all that I imagined it would be and MORE. Picture the most awesome vacation you can think of and then multiply it by 100 – that was this vacation. It was “all-inclusive amazingness.” There was lots of relaxing, lots of eating, lots of drinking, lots of laughing, lots of playing, lots of dancing, lots of tanning, lots of floating…I could go on and on! The wedding was beautiful and the bride and groom were just glowing with happiness!

The highlights have to be the following:

  • The resort itself (The views of the ocean and the mountains were soooooooo beautiful.)
  • The Italian restaurant we ate at (Complete with an antipasto buffet – YUMMY!)
  • The jerk pork (From a grill right on the beach. No forks. Just some bread to sop up the sauce. Mmmmm!)
  • The swim-up bars (Getting thirsty while you are sunbathing on your float in the pool? No problem mon! Just float over to the swim-up bar and order a pina colada!)
  • The Cabaret (The dance club on the resort. SUPER fun!)
  • The Piano/Martini Bar (Where the bride’s father got a little tipsy and serenaded the guests at the resort.)
  • The coffee (Best. Coffee. Ever.)
  • The French Cafe (With tasty made-to-order crepes!)
  • The pineapple (It was white, not yellow, and oh so sweet and juicy!)
  • The spa (Margarita manicure? Yes please! And the lady that did my hair for the wedding is a hairstyling genius! She did a great job!)
  • Kayaking (I swear we saw about 50 starfish while out in the ocean.)

Like I said before, the whole trip was amazing. I was soooo happy we got to go. Not only just because it was super fun, but also because it was so special to be able to celebrate one of my best friends marriages. I am so happy for Lauren and Trea and I wish them many years of love and happiness!

Pics coming soon!

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Nothing of Substance

By on February 18, 2010

So last night, I met my parents (and their SUV) at Home Depot to buy some patio furniture I found that was CHEAP! I was so excited!! My husband and I have wanted patio furniture since last spring (but by the time it was fall, and all the sets went on sale, I had been laid off and we didn’t think it was smart to spend money on something frivolous like patio furniture). But now that we have a little bit of money and I found some with an awesome price, I HAD to buy. The table was only $69 – and it seats 6! The chairs were $19.99 each-awesome! We just bought 4 (we can use folding chairs if we have more ppl over) and the total price for the 5 piece set was…..$159!! Compared to the $299-$599 sets I’ve been seeing – this is a great deal! Hopefully it isn’t so cheep that it will break after a few uses. So now, I am super excited for spring. Al fresco dinner parties, grilling out, watching the sunset while eating dinner every night. Ahhhhh – it sounds lovely!

On a completely different subject, tomorrow night, my husband and I are having dinner with some friends at Taco Mac. If you have a Taco Mac near you, you MUST try the ranch dressing. Their ranch dressing is THE BEST ranch in the world. It is soooo tasty as a dip with fries. YUMMY! So I’ve already planned out my whole day tomorrow to allow myself enough calories for the Taco Mac fries and ranch dressing.

Speaking of calories, if you do not know of, you really need to check it out. It is a great website to track your calories-I have been using it almost every day this year to prepare for my best friend’s Jamaica wedding in June. It’s at the amazing Sandals Whitehouse resort – I can’t WAIT until we go! But I need to lose around 15lbs to be brave enough to be in a bathing suit for a week.

I feel like I should get paid for today’s post. I’ve endorsed Home Depot, Taco Mac,, and the Sandals resort in Jamaica. Where’s my money? 🙂

As you can tell, I have no deep thoughts for today, nothing of substance to blog about, but since it has been a while since I have posted anything, I figured I should write. So now you know what’s been going on in my life this past week – nothing. 🙂

While I’m on a roll, here’s a few other random endorsements:

I got the new Mary Kay Andrews‘ book from the library yesterday. I’ve already read almost half the book – I LOVE her books!

A few of the blogs I stalk were talking about Lilly Pulitzer. I had no idea who she was, so I googled. She has the cutest line of dresses and I bet I would look awesome in one of those dresses in Jamaica. Maybe this one:

or this one!
Gotta start saving. This would definitely be considered a frivolous purchase. 🙂

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