Category: friends
Kitchen è Finita!!
By sunshineandholly on June 24, 2011Yes, that’s right – the kitchen is FINISHED! Can you believe it? I can’t…it seems crazy that we actually finished such a huge project. And I’m SO happy with how it turned out! Here are some pics from our super fun “Kitchen Open House” where we showed off our hard work to all our friends and family!
Weekend pics and an update
By sunshineandholly on June 2, 2011Weekend pics!
Sorry my blog has been mostly pics lately. Apparently, I only have a lot to write about when my job’s not going well. 🙂 But honestly, work’s actually been pretty good. I’ve been super busy (which makes the days go by super fast!) and I just spent the last few weeks on-boarding a new employee in our department (which means I get to use some of my Human Resources skills that are going to waste!). So I’ve actually been happy with my work-life.
As for my personal life, things couldn’t be better! We’ve been doing tons of fun stuff (as you can tell by all the weekend pics) and we’ve almost finished the kitchen renovation. I’d say we’re about 99.5% done! 🙂
On a completely separate subject, I need to renew my teaching certificate. Yes, I’d rather die than teach, but I don’t want to let it expire – it’s a good back up career. But MAN – the Georgia Professional Standards Commission website is SO confusing! Hopefully I’ll figure out what the heck I’m supposed to do before the end of the month!
Last weekend, Josh, my mom and I went to the Steeplechase in Kingston, Ga. It’s like the poor man’s Kentucky Derby. 🙂 We had a blast!
Potato salad, chicken salad, pasta salad, sausage balls and a raspberry lemonade cocktail-
I love you like pickles and chocolate milk
By sunshineandholly on February 4, 2011No I’m not pregnant.
But I do like pickles with a glass of chocolate milk. Something about the combo of sweet and sour – yum! I think my mom ate pickles and chocolate ice cream when she was pregnant with me…maybe that explains it.
Anyways, last night I went to Taco Mac for dinner with the hubs and some friends. (French fries and homemade ranch…yum….) I was saving my pickle until the end of the meal and when I was finally ready to eat it, I went to pick it up……………and I dropped the WHOLE pickle on the floor!!! I didn’t even get one bite! 🙁
I. Was. Devastated.
“MY PICKLE!!!” 🙁 *sniff*
Well, life went on and we started talking about other stuff and having a good time.
But then the waiter came over. And my SWEET hubby asked him to bring me another pickle! I mean, he just asked him! Without me even saying anything or telling him I wanted another pickle – nothing!!!
It was so sweet! I almost cried!!
And the waiter was so nice that he brought us all another pickle.
I love pickles…but I love my hubby more!