On Sunday at church I noticed a sweet little tooth popping out! It’s the bottom front right tooth. The one next to it looks like it’s almost out too. I tried to take a picture of the tooth, but Graham didn’t cooperate. Boo!
I can’t believe how FAST Graham is growing up. The days seem long, but time is flying by.
We’ve yet to take Graham’s 6 month pictures…oops! We have one week until he turns 7 months. Better get on that!
I’m so ready for summer. Graham has a ton of adorable summer clothes.
The weather here has been crazy. It’ll be warm and beautiful one week and the next week we’ll have snow flurries.
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Trying on some sunglasses at Babies-R-Us. One cool dude! If you look close, you can see my reflection in the lens. 🙂 |
Our pediatrician wants us to start giving Graham a sippy cup. Not sure he’s ready for that at all, but we’ll give it a try.
My baby’s growing up! Gotta do his 6th month post soon. Love this guy!