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Dining Dilemma

By on December 2, 2010

Everyday when noon rolls around, I have to make a decision. Where should I eat my lunch? And there’s really no good answer to that question…

I could eat in the breakroom. Which sounds like a good idea since the TV in the breakroom has cable (we canceled our cable at home) and I could get my Food Network fix…

But then I have to make small talk with everyone that walks by to use the microwave or grab a coke, or get some water, or pick up a spoon. By the time my lunch is over, I haven’t gotten to watch any of Paula Deen AND I’m exhausted from all the chit-chat!

I could eat at my desk. Which sounds like a good idea since I can get on Facebook and Blogger and email my friends…

But I don’t have an office with a door to close. So I end up jumping up, in mid-bite of my sandwich, to refill the printer paper for someone, or grab someone an envelop, or take notes for a project someone needs my help with. So after my lunch hour is over, I still haven’t finished eating, my soup is cold and I’m thinking that it’s time for a break from my lunch break!

I could eat in my car. Which sounds like a good idea because it’s nice and quiet…

But really, who wants to eat in their car? And who wants to be in the car anymore than we have to be? And in the summer it’s too hot and in the winter it’s too cold!

I could go out to lunch. Which sounds like a good idea because I could get out of the office and eat some yummy food.

But then I’d have to spend lots of money everyday. And drive to wherever I choose to eat. Which would waste time and gas!

Maybe I should just skip lunch. 🙂

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Signs you may not be happy with your job…

By on October 14, 2010

1. The bathroom stall is not only a place to do your “business,” but also your safehaven – a calming get-a-way location where you can relax for a good 15 minutes at a time. (At least until the auto-lights go off. Then it’s just weird to sit in the bathroom in the dark.)

2. You have to move certain emails out of your inbox and into a folder titled “I’ll deal with this later” just because looking at those email makes you infuriated.

3. You feel like you have multiple personalities when you get to work. You say outloud, “I’m doing great this morning! Thanks for asking! How are you doing today?” But you are really thinking to yourself, “How am I doing? I’m tired. I don’t want to be here today. I don’t feel like dealing with all of this crap. Screw you! Is it Friday yet?!”

4. You once described yourself as a happy-go-lucky, hopefully, bright-eyed young business woman. Now you just see yourself as a bitter, miserable old shrew.

5. You’d rather take a nap in the back seat of your car during lunch that risk having to talk about work in the breakroom with your co-workers.

6. Every time you answer certain people’s questions, they look at you like you’re an idiot…even though you’re telling them the correct answer. Apparently, people think that if you lack power, you lack intelligence. (Thanks for that quote, Lauren – I love it!)

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I wish WebEx was my ex.

By on April 22, 2010

This week has been loooong…. We had 4 large meetings planned (2 software and 2 hardware reviews, which means something totally different in the theme park industry than it does in IT). And each one of those meetings required the use of WebEx. My boss wanted me to run the WebEx presentations for two of those meetings. This means that I had to sit at my desk for 2 hours each day, mindlessly switching the slides of a PowerPoint and changing tabs to show different presentations. I didn’t have anything to contribute to the meetings, the stuff presented wasn’t anything I really needed to know, and since I had to click a button on the command, “Next slide, Holly” it wasn’t like I could multi-task during the meetings. So yes, those 4 hours were very, VERY boring. Plus I’ve had a lot of other mindless work this week to complete (including over 40 credit card charges to reconcile from my boss’s 6 business trips-yuck!). I am SO ready for this weekend.

On a separate subject, I would like to celebrate the purchase of my first bikini since high school!!!
It looks…alright on me. I wish I could lose about 10 more pounds before Jamaica. Then I’d really be comfortable smokin in the suit!! But I have lost 10 pounds since last summer, and I think I can pull of a bikini. Plus I am running out of summers to wear a bikini. My husband and I have been discussing when we would like to start a family and I know I won’t be wearing any bikinis after being pregnant!
Lastly, I would like to ask for prayers for some girls I met last night. I decided to volunteer for my church’s Wednesday night teen ministry. The girls I met came from very rough backgrounds and very broken families. One girl spoke of how she cut herself. My heart goes out to them and I ask God to make himself present in their lives so they will know that they are loved. I am looking forward to going back next week. I will admit that I was super uncomfortable, I had no idea what to say to the teens, or how to interact with them. But I am sure if I keep going, I can help. Hopefully I’ll make a difference.
Thank goodness tomorrow is FRIDAY!

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