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Baby D. is a….

May 1, 2012


Sweet little BOY!!!

On Friday April 20th, we had our gender ultrasound. (That work week was the longest week ever!) I was pretty nervous since we hadn’t seen the baby since week 8 when he just looked like a little speck. All I wanted was to hear the ultra sound tech tell us the baby looked healthy. (And we do have a healthy, active baby!) I was also nervous that the baby wasn’t going to cooperate and we weren’t going to get to find out the gender that day. Turns out, I didn’t have to worry about that either!

I couldn’t really tell what we were looking at when the tech first put the ultra sound wand on my belly. But she asked, “So you do want to know the gender of the baby? Because I can tell you right now.” Apparently, Baby D. was mooning all of us!!! “It’s a boy!” Then I figured out what we were looking at. 🙂 I looked at Josh (who was tearing up just like I was) and I said “I told you!” He said smiling, “You were right!” The tech did a few more measurements and then pulled up this picture.

I gasped and then really did start crying. There’s our baby! He was so cute already! He was also moving around like CRAZY. The tech had to keep moving the wand over my belly to catch a picture of him where she could take the measurements. He was doing flips and barrel rolls. I think we’re going to have our hands full with him! 🙂 Then at one point, he finally stopped moving, and I guess the tech couldn’t see what she was trying to see, so she wiggled the wand – making my belly jiggle. The baby was like, “Whoa!” and started moving around again. We all laughed.

After the tech got her measurements, she told us the baby looked like he was about 16 weeks, not 18 weeks like we thought we were. So my due date is now September 30th instead of September 16th. We might even have an October baby!

The entire thing was amazing. I had no idea how emotional it was going to be for me to see that little guy. I feel like I know him now – before he was just some stranger living in me…and making me sick. But now I’ve seen his sweet face, his tiny hands, his cute little feet. I know he’s going to be an active little guy – constantly on the move. And I even think he’s going to have a sense of humor, since he decided to moon us! I can’t believe how much I love him already.

Baby BOY, I can’t wait for you to finally be here in my arms!!

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