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To be or not to be…

By on April 8, 2011

To be or not to be a young mom.

That is the question that’s been on my mind lately.
Ever since I can remember, I’ve wanted to be a mom. When I met Josh in college and fell in love, my plan was to get married, teach, and have babies. But after a terrible student teaching experience, I decided not to use my teaching degree and go back to get my masters. So I put my “baby dream” on hold. After I graduated, I felt like I had worked so darn hard for that degree and I wanted to use it! So I looked for a job…and finally found one…even though it wasn’t exactly what I was looking for. All my friends were starting their careers – and I wanted to fit in and start mine too! Plus, I had just gotten married and was enjoying being a newlywed. 🙂 We had dinner parties with friends, walks at the park, weekend trips, long vacations…we bought a house, painted, built a deck, gutted the kitchen, decorated, etc etc etc! Life was busy and moving at a super speedy pace! Also, no one I knew was having kids. That was the furthest thing from all my girlfriends minds! And I wasn’t thinking about them either.

But then…I got laid off. And it rocked my life. It shocked me to the core.

And I really started thinking about my life’s path. I really struggled with figuring out what my purpose was in life. I wasn’t meant to be a teacher. I wasn’t meant to have a corporate job. What was I supposed to do? What is God’s plan for me?

Around this same time, I found out that one of my friends from my old job got pregnant. (And she was just a year older than me!) That’s when I remembered how much I wanted to be a mom. It’s almost like that reminded me that it was ok to have a child young in life. Just because none of my friends were ready, doesn’t mean that everyone should wait until their 30+. And I remembered my dream from college – how I wanted to teach because of the awesome work schedule – a schedule that is great for working mothers. A schedule that would allow me to have a baby and be a young mom. I realized I had never given up on that dream of being a young mom…I had just put it on hold…forgotten about it…

After a few months of unemployment, I got the job I have now. But that desire – that wish to have a baby – it’s still there. Full and strong on my heart.

But now…well…I’m scared to take that jump. I’m not naive – I know that having a baby will change everything. My entire life will be different. I still don’t have any close friends that have children…and I’m scared to be the first. I’m scared I’ll be left out – I worry I wouldn’t get invited places…and that even if I did get invited, I wouldn’t be able to go because I had to stay home with the baby.

Plus, I have in my mind a “baby bucket list” of things I want to do before we have kids. Things that you shouldn’t do with kids (like a crazy weekend in Vegas) and things that I know we need to do NOW or we’ll never do them after we’ve had kids (like re-do the kitchen). But the longer I go wanting a baby…the less important many of those “baby bucket list” items become.

Yesterday, I stumbled across the quote below on this blog. It’s funny that it’s a quote from Steve Jobs…and I’m applying it to my wish to have a baby. 🙂 But it spoke to me.

“Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”
– Steve Jobs

Maybe I don’t need to listen to my friends – I know they feel they’re too young to have kids…but maybe that’s what’s right for them…but not for me. Afterall – I got engaged, married, and bought a house before most of my friends. And I had no issue jumping right in to those decisions. I didn’t care that I was the first – that’s what I wanted…so I did it! And I don’t regret anything!

As for following my heart – I know what it says. My heart speaks loud and clear anytime I see a picture of a baby. 🙂 And the fact that the items on my baby bucket list are becoming less important – I think that also speaks to what my heart is feeling.

And my intuition…well…that’s where I get lost. How do I know if I’m ready? I’ve been praying for God to tell me if that’s my plan – if I’m ready – if I’m supposed to be a young mom. And I haven’t seen any signs or felt any less-scared.

BUT (here’s my secret)  the one huge item on my baby bucket list – the one thing I really really wanted to do…

Well…I think we’re getting close to being able to do it!!!

Is that God’s way of telling me I’m ready? By allowing me to cross the biggest, most expensive, “most wanted” item off my list? I still have no clue.

So I’ll keep praying…and waiting…and dreaming about future Baby D. 🙂

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What I’m Loving

By on February 23, 2011

I’m too busy for a real post – but here’s what I’m loving right now:

1. Kitchen is coming along. Heating and Air guy coming out tomorrow to vent our dryer!
2. Going out dancing this weekend for a girlfriend’s birthday – soooooo excited!
3. Had my performance review yesterday at work. It went alright (I’m a perfectionist so it wasn’t good enough for my standards…) but I might be getting a work laptop – yes!!!
4. Walmart had veggies trays for $4.88 this weekend with carrots, celery, snap peas, broccoli, and MINI PEPPERS! Those things are SO cute! And it came with yummy buttermilk ranch dip. We bought 2. :)Mmmmm!

5. We took those veggies and some PB&Js out to Piedmont Park this past weekend and had a picnic and took the doggies to the dog park – so much fun!

Ready for the weekend!

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Monday…you suck.

By on February 14, 2011

I had a crazy-busy weekend and now I’m exhausted. Not really feeling work today. I wish I could take a little nap at my desk. The only good thing in this miserable Monday is that I have a doctors appointment at 2. Which means I should prob leave around 1:30. And it also means I prob won’t come back to the office once it’s over. So yay for a half day!!

Oh yeah – and Happy Valentines Day! Too bad my hubby is working super late tonight and I won’t get to spend any time with him. Boo.

Man, I’m whiny today. I need to go re-read my “be positive post.” I promise I’ll be better the rest of the week! 🙂

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I love you like pickles and chocolate milk

By on February 4, 2011

No I’m not pregnant.

But I do like pickles with a glass of chocolate milk. Something about the combo of sweet and sour – yum! I think my mom ate pickles and chocolate ice cream when she was pregnant with me…maybe that explains it.

Anyways, last night I went to Taco Mac for dinner with the hubs and some friends. (French fries and homemade ranch…yum….) I was saving my pickle until the end of the meal and when I was finally ready to eat it, I went to pick it up……………and I dropped the WHOLE pickle on the floor!!! I didn’t even get one bite! 🙁

I. Was. Devastated.

“MY PICKLE!!!” 🙁 *sniff*

Well, life went on and we started talking about other stuff and having a good time.

But then the waiter came over. And my SWEET hubby asked him to bring me another pickle! I mean, he just asked him! Without me even saying anything or telling him I wanted another pickle – nothing!!!

It was so sweet! I almost cried!!

And the waiter was so nice that he brought us all another pickle.

I love pickles…but I love my hubby more!

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