getting older | Uncategorized

I’m Getting Old!

By on August 3, 2011

I’m just 26. Doesn’t that sound young?

But last week, I hit a milestone. A SCARY milestone.

At 26, I found…

My first gray hair! 🙁


I first saw him it in the bathroom mirror at work. He was right on the top of my head, leering at me. He seemed to be saying, “Hey Holly…guess what? You’re getting OLD! Hahahah!” *evil laughter from the grey hair*

I was telling Josh later about the gray hair, and he didn’t believe me. He said it couldn’t be gray. It must just be really light-blonde from spending time in the sun this summer. So I pointed in the general area where I saw the hair.

But then Josh saw him too! Right there at the top of my head.

And of course, I wasn’t going to let him stay. So I told Josh to pluck him. And then we got a picture to remember the moment. The time Holly got her first gray hair.

And I better not get anymore for at least another 5, 10 years! 🙂

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