babies | dogs | garden | Uncategorized


By on May 13, 2010

I’m not in the mood to write about work this week. I need a vacation NOW! So here is a warning – this post will be very random.

My puppies got me a mother’s day present!! It’s a pink cover for my pink kitchen aid mixer. 🙂

Aren’t my babies sweet? I don’t think I’ve ever blogged about them before. Here is a pic. Lacey is on the left and Jack is on the right.

Lacey is almost 7 years old. Josh and I got her from Josh’s granddad when we were in our 2nd year at UGA. My mom didn’t speak to me for 3 months – she was so mad at me for getting a dog in college! Jack is 2 years old. We got him after we got married to keep Lacey company. They really do love each other. They spend hours “making out” as we call it (licking and cleaning each other). It’s cute…and a little gross. They play together too, wrestling, growling and pining each other down. And they take naps together (like in the pic) and it is ADORABLE. Lacey is like a baby – she always wants to be held and cuddled. Her fur is super soft. Jack, bless his heart, isn’t the smartest dog. I mean, he is smart – he can do tricks and stuff – but he acts retarded all the time. He is always making us laugh running into things or trying to bite his tail and falling over. He also has a really low manly bark that is super cute. I sure do love those little dogs!

Here are some pictures of my container garden. I’ve got (from left to right) tomatoes, green peppers, basil, thyme and flat leaf parsley. So far, I only have one tiny tomato and no peppers. 🙁

There is this random vine that keeps growing up our house. It reminds me of Rapunzel’s hair falling out the window. 🙂

Changing the subject – babies babies everywhere! It’s like all of a sudden EVERYONE has had, is having, or is thinking about having a baby! Or maybe it’s just because I’ve been thinking about having a baby so now I notice them more. 🙂 But seriously, my Facebook home page has completely changed in the past few months. There are so many posts about preganancies, babies, nurseries, etc. There must be something in the water. I better stick to the coke zero. 🙂

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