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Kitchen Renovation Weekend #3

November 15, 2010

We got a TON done this weekend! Josh and his dad put together all 11 cabinet frames in under 3 hours – I was impressed! Then they ripped out all the old cabinets except for one. (The old sink cabinet was built around the plumbing, so we need the plumber to come out and fix before we can take out that cabinet or install any of the new ones.) Now I’m on the hunt for an electrician. I wish someone I knew had a recommendation . Our plumber gave us a couple of names…so we’ll see.

The entire house is a disaster right now…and I can’t handle my house being a complete wreck! I made Josh help me clean up our bedroom and the living room (the 2 rooms we spend most of our time in) so I could stop having anxiety/a panic attack from the mess. I did have to laugh though when I was standing in the kitchen and realized I could see down to the basement – crazy!

Some progress photos: (And don’t judge me – I haven’t put up all the Halloween decorations yet. 🙂 )

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